Depending on the place of production? Who finances it? Depending on what companies are behind the movie? Whether it is accepted by Oscars? Or simply depending on the style of the movie content?
I find that many people confuse Hollywood movies with others like Bollywood, etc. But is there a difference? By what criteria?
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Yeah, I don’t know either. How does “Slumdog Millionaire” win the American Academy Awards? How did “Lawrence of Arabia?” Neither was an American film, or were they? I pointed out the James Bond films as English, only to be told that no, they were American, even though many were filmed at Pinewood Studios! Even “Star Wars,” as American film as you can get, was filmed in England!
So who knows?
The Shadow do!
It depends on who makes the movie. For example, the movie Slumdog Millionaire is a British film – even though it was shot in India, with Indian actors, and one-third of the movie is in Hindi – but it’s a British film because the makers of the film were British.
Bollywood movies are made by the Hindi-language film industry based in the city of Mumbai.
Hollywood movies are made by the American film industry based in Los Angeles.
For more about the basics of Bollywood, check out: