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I fucking hate white announcers like this.
in the harry potter one there is a camera man coz its fucking magic
press “4” for beating the shit out of this blonde faggot from harry poter
@johnnybvideos I seem to remember him saying “look!” in the movie…
when they pick on continuity errors people need to realise that stuff can happen in between shots.
It’s an april fools’ video.
@UndercoverLdn its cool bro.
Okok then it’s good lol… sorry for being so mean, I’m just getting so sick of people trying so hard getting thumbs up especially people who makes those stupid jokes… But you didn’t deserve it so I apologize
@UndercoverLdn yeah, i’m not a COMPLETE suck up.
Guess that’s not TOO bad, as long as you don’t say stupid “the dislike bar is as big as JB’s penis” stuff… that is just pathetic
@UndercoverLdn i’m not a thumbs up whore. i’m a thumbs up enthusiast.
I am anti-thumbs up whores.
@UndercoverLdn dude dah fuck? why you freaking out?
@johnnybvideos hahahahahalol!!!
Fuck off.
lol press 2 for “hairy gran”
thumbs up to change the top comments.
star wars is funniest
ahaha its a true? xD
That is pretty amusing. I have heard of the Storm Trooper bonking his head before seeing this. lol
@Ksharp1fan “We literally own West Europe”
I’m not sure how that works…
Especially when America’s credit rating is only AA+.
So how much of Europe do you own?
@Ksharp1fan I’m sorry but electricity beats assault rifles, tanks, aircraft, pistols, computers and YouTube.
Also btw the UK special forces use a range of Heckler & Koch weapons (Germany)
The UK and France INVENTED the tank, and the UK currently uses the Challenger 2 tank (British)
We also have a wide national variety of planes. A major one to name would be Airbus (French), as opposed to Boeing
Computers are primarily American now, yes. The ‘father of the computer’ is Charles Babbage (British).
fuckoff onlive
@DrunKEnShad0w2 i know really who is that doesn’t really stick out very much