Bheja Fry 2 is an 2011 Indian comedy film & a sequel to the 2007 low budget but successful film Bheja Fry. Directed by Sagar Ballary & Produced by Mukul Deora,featuring – Vinay Pathak, Kay Kay Menon, Minisha Lamba, Suresh Menon & Amol Gupte. Bharat Bhushan has won himself a free trip on a luxury cruise and is determined to rock the boat for most of the revelers, specially the tax evader, tycoon Ajit Talwar. In between, he manages to find a potential love interest in Ranjini, at least that’s what he thinks. What happens…………
Bheja Fry 2 ,B Bollywood,Hindi Comedy movie,Full Movie,Watch Movie,Hindi Culture,Online Movie,Action,Free Movie,Download Movie
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